October 11-27, 2024
at MATCH (Midtown Arts and Theater Center Houston)
Music and Lyrics by: Stephen Sondheim
Book by: John Weidman
A multiple Tony Award-winning theatrical tour-de-force, Assassins combines Sondheim's signature blend of intelligently stunning lyrics and beautiful music with a panoramic story of our nation's culture of celebrity and the violent means some will use to obtain it, embodied by America's four successful and five would-be presidential assassins. Bold, original, disturbing and alarmingly funny, Assassins is perhaps the most controversial musical ever written.
Assassins lays bare the lives of nine individuals who assassinated or tried to assassinate the President of the United States, in a one-act historical musical that explores the dark side of the American experience. From John Wilkes Booth to Lee Harvey Oswald, writers, Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman, bend the rules of time and space, taking us on a nightmarish roller coaster ride in which assassins and would-be assassins from different historical periods meet, interact and inspire each other to harrowing acts in the name of the American Dream.
Article: The Garden Theatre Will Bring Assassins To The Stage
Interview: Logan Vaden of Assassins at The Garden Theatre
Car Takes
Review: Stephen Sondheim's Assassins Presented by The Garden Theatre
Houston Press
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Assassins was presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials were also supplied by MTI. www.mtishows.com